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Q. How common is vein disease?

A: Around 30 percent of all women will develop varicose veins during their lifetime while 10 percent of men will be affected by this condition. One of the biggest contributing factors of vein disease is age, as nearly 80 percent of elderly patients have at least some varicose veins.

Q. What happens to my circulation when the veins are removed or closed?

A: A healthy vein transports blood back to the heart using a series of valves. When these valves become damaged, the blood will begin to seep back into the body and cause bleeding, bruising, skin breakdown, and ulcers. By this stage, the disease might require more advanced treatment options. Before we begin any treatments, we carry out a detailed ultrasonic examination to see exactly what is taking place.

Q. Do the treated veins ever come back?

A: Our treatments are extremely effective, and patients will immediately notice healthier and more attractive legs. While the treated veins will not come back, new veins may begin to form at any time. This is why it is important to uncover the root causes of vein problems in order to come up with long-term solutions. Even comprehensive surgeries will not prevent new veins from forming. Luckily, any new veins that do form can quickly and easily be treated.

Q. Are varicose veins merely a cosmetic problem?

A: Varicose veins can be a clear indicator that other potentially harmful medical issues are taking place. Over time, many patients will notice side effects such as feeling as if their legs are too heavy, sharp pain around the veins, or a dull throb. When left untreated, a patient will increase the risk of skin damage, phlebitis, and ulcers.

Q. What are the risk factors for developing vein disease?

A: The single biggest contributing factor is a patient’s genetics. Those who have a family history of varicose veins or weak vein walls are at the highest risk of developing vein disease. Due to their increased production of the hormone progesterone, women are also at a much higher risk of developing varicose veins. Around 75 percent of all patients diagnosed with vein disease are women.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), obesity, standing or sitting for long periods of time, oral contraceptive pills, and pregnancy will all increase one’s risk of vein disease.

Q. Can varicose veins or vein disease be prevented?

A: There is no single medication or lifestyle change that will prevent varicose veins with 100 percent accuracy. That being said, patients that would like to avoid this medical condition can reduce their risk of developing vein disease with some easy changes to their daily habits. This includes taking breaks from standing or sitting for long periods, weight management, regular exercise, walking frequently, and avoiding tight clothing that affects blood circulation.

Q. What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)?

A: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a serious condition that develops when a blood clot forms in a deep vein. Within a short period of time, a clot can break free from a deep vein in the leg, make its way to the patient’s lungs, and result in a pulmonary embolism.

There are some common signs that deep vein thrombosis has developed, but this condition is often referred to as the silent killer because many patients show no outward symptoms whatsoever. Some of the most common signs of deep vein thrombosis include skin discoloration, increased visibility of surface veins, inflammation, redness, and general discomfort in the legs.

Q. Do men get spider and varicose veins?

A: Women make up a vast majority of varicose vein patients, but 25 percent of these patients are still men. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to suffer from discomfort due to large vein problems. In an era when surgical ligation and stripping was the only treatment option for this condition, women were much more likely to seek out professional assistance. With minimally-invasive procedures such as Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). However, men are opting for professional treatments at a much higher rate.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for treatment?

A: Patients can receive treatment for symptoms caused by veins or for cosmetic purposes. Treating varicose veins can also help to prevent vein ulcers from developing. The longer you wait for treatment, the more progressive the issue and vein disease can become.

Q: Does sclerotherapy cause any side effects or damage?

A: In any procedure, there are potential side effects, but they are not common.

Q: How can I prevent varicose veins in my legs?

A: There are many factors that can cause varicose veins.  Some ways to help prevent them are: elevating your legs, daily exercise, frequent movement, not sitting for prolonged periods of time, no excessive weight gain, and avoiding heat from hot tubs or hot baths.

Q: Are vein procedures covered by insurance?

A: Because Spider Veins are considered a cosmetic concern they are not covered by insurance. Varicose vein treatment are mostly covered by certain insurance policies depending on your symptoms. Some symptoms must be occurring in order to qualify for coverage.

Q: Will my veins return after I receive treatment?

A: Treated veins should be gone permanently. However, you may develop more vein problems in other ones because vein disease is hereditary. However, you can follow the preventative tips to reduce the risk of new vein problems.

Q: Are all varicose veins visible?

A: Not all varicose veins are visible. Most of the time, they are hidden under the skin and can only be found using Ultrasounds. Invisible veins can cause the same symptoms, and during your appointment we will do necessary testing to diagnose you correctly.